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Blogging Samples
Example of Blogger Website
Using can be rewarding for both Educators and Students alike. Both can create material relevant to course content to educate and collaborate with others online in a safe setting.
Click the image to the left to see an example by me.
Example of Using Blogger as a platform to post assignments for students.
Using as a way to find lessons. A teacher can find lessons and use the blogging website called to post links to lessons. Blogger can be used to share lessons for school work, homework and lessons that will take a number of days, such as essays and stories.
The image on the left links to a example of such a use for this website.
The images and links below are videos on how to set this up for use in your classroom as well as a rationale.
Click on the icon to see how to build a Blogger and use lessons from Curriculum Pathways on it for your classroom.
Click on the icon to view a rationale of why using lessons from Curriculum Pathways on a Blogger can work well with your classroom for your students to learn at home and in school.
Click on the icon to see how a web-flyer document can help gain interst in your lesson, or gain support for your pressional devleopment of using Curriculum Pathways and Blogger and Smore at your school.