Providing a Complete Suite of IT Solutions for Education

ISTE Standard 2
Click on the links to learn more about my Masters at NYIT

2.Teaching, learning, and assessments
Technology Coaches assist teachers in using technology effectively for assessing student learning, differentiating instruction, and providing rigorous, relevant, and engaging learning experiences for all students.
a. Coach teachers in and model design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning experiences addressing content standards and student technology standards
Reflection: The Technology Integration Plan and Math Model below are examples of Coaching instructors on how to use different technology resources in the classroom. The technology plan states specific reasons and rationale, to use technology in a classroom. The math example is something that can be added to the classroom as a new technology to educate students.
b. Coach teachers in and model design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning experiences using a variety of research based, learner-centered instructional strategies and assessment tools to address the diverse needs and interests of all students
The document below shows several different ways that an instructor can use websites for education. Within it's pages are resources for educational tool geared toward: Science, Technology, and Math. The document also includes different ways to learn about those subjects, a professional development set up and a notes page for the same.
c. Coach teachers in and model engagement of students in local and global interdisciplinary units in which technology helps students assume professional roles, research real-world problems, collaborate with others, and produce products that are meaningful and useful to a wide audience
The link below is geared towards learning about Problem based Learning. This is where a student learns about a topic and then an issue about it. Then has to find a solution, a reason for the events, or why it is important to fix the problem. This is important because students need to access higher order thinking skills to answer these problems. It is also important to use this type of thinking for real life situation and problem solving skills as an adult.
d. Coach teachers in and model design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning experiences emphasizing creativity, higher-order thinking skills and processes, and mental habits of mind (e.g., critical thinking, metacognition, and self-regulation)
The link below, goes over a resource that can be used for higher order thinking. The lesson goes over how to use a geometry lesson that promotes using thinking skills that encourage the growth of students and learning at their own pace. This allows students and teachers to complete lessons with critical thinking, meta-cognition and self-regulation.
e. Coach teachers in and model design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning experiences using differentiation, including adjusting content, process, product, and learning environment based upon student readiness levels, learning styles, interests, and personal goals
The link below, goes over a resources for UDL, SETT and interactive learning. Teachers using these models can adapt their lessons and strategies so that students can learn in a differentiated setting. The middle link is a direct link to a differentiated learning example that I created that goes over different parts of the computer, their functions and why they are important. It has integrated structures that allow students with varying degree of skill and ability levels.
f. Coach teachers in and model incorporation of research-based best practices in instructional design when planning technology-enhanced learning experiences
The link below, connects to a professional development that I created while in my last semester as a student at NYIT in the graduate program. It is a web based lesson on Google Forms. This set up for teachers to take this at their own pace, create Forms and give feedback to me. This is all for using Google Forms in the classroom to support best learning practices.
g. Coach teachers in and model effective use of technology tools and resources to continuously assess student learning and technology literacy by applying a rich variety of formative and summative assessments aligned with content and student technology standards
The link below, connects to a lesson that I combined on my student resources website that I put together during this degree. It is set up for students to be able to use the documents assigned in class, or at home. This is set up for students to use the same resources at home as in school and to listen to audio versions of the novel being read in class so that they can easily do their work at home. This supports a healthy combination of literacy and technology. Other resources on the same website support literacy by using Google Forms to answer questions.
h. Coach teachers in and model effective use of technology tools and resources to systematically collect and analyze student achievement data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning
The document below is a needs assessment. It is designed so that information can be gathered about a topic before a full possibly needless lesson is created. This will increase the information that can be taught to teachers within a school year and have the lessons and professional developments be more educationally effective and time effective.